Home Entertainment Guillermo Del Toro talks more PACIFIC RIM 2

Guillermo Del Toro talks more PACIFIC RIM 2

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So how would a sequel to Pacific Rim function then? If you think about it, the first film was a done-in-one event, a movie that could very easily stand on its own with no plot threads to wrap up. But with a sequel on the way, it turns out that the Shatterdome crew are going to face their deadliest challenge yet: Peace in our time.

Pacific Rim (21)

Because according to writer-director Guillermo Del Toro, Pacific Rim 2 will be set several years after the end of the first Kaiju War. And it’s not an easy transition to make, as he explained to Collider:

It’s a few years after the first one.  It’s not an immediate follow-up.  It is the world having been freed of Kaiju, what happens to the world after – what happens to the Jaeger technology once the Kaiju are not a threat.  It’s quite a jump.

While that would most likely make for a difficult world within which to apply the skills of punching gigantic monsters in the face with rocket-powered robot punches for pilots such as Charlie Hunnam’s Raleigh and Rinko Kikuchi’s Mako, it’ll still be a world that can benefit from the science attached to the Kaiju War. Especially of that science includes the oddball pair of Charlie Day and Burn Gorman’s renegade eggheads Geiszler and Gottlieb.

Which might include even more of that risky hands-on science in the sequel according to Del Toro:

Yes. It’s quite a different movie from the first one in that, but I think that two of our main characters like in the first one are Burn and Charlie.  They are really, really – I mean, honestly, they are probably the guys I have the most fun writing along with Hannibal Chau so just from a purely selfish drive, I like writing them.  I love writing for Charlie and Burn.  I mean, [Burn’s] in Crimson Peak for that reason, because I love working with him.  You’re gonna get a lot of that, but the Kaijus are very different and you’re gonna see a very different type of the robots I think.  It’s gonna be quite a different adventure.

I dug those two in the first film. They brought just the right amount of levity and mania to the film, fleshing out the exposition without going overboard. And new Kaiju? New Jaegers? Bring it on. Now where’s my goddamn shoe?

Last Updated: November 26, 2014

One Comment

  1. The first was nothing more than a silly plot, with giant robots smacking giant aliens about. IT WAS AWESOME


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