Home Entertainment Just how badly does Fox want to keep Hugh Jackman as the Wolverine?

Just how badly does Fox want to keep Hugh Jackman as the Wolverine?

2 min read


Can you believe that the first X-Men film came out way back in 2000 already? 13 years later, and we’ve seen three core films and several spin-offs. Films which Hugh Jackman has appeared in every single one of so far, as the trademark mutant of that franchise, the Wolverine.

You’d think that after all this time, he’d be happy to hang up the claws and call it a day. But he’s basically the face of the film series so far. And current X-Gene rights holder Fox wants to keep it that way. So how do you keep an actor such as Jackman interested? Why, with a stack o’ cash of course.

A stack that happens to be $100 million deep to be exact. According to The National Enquirer via Cinema Blend, Jackman has been offered that massive sum of currency as a deal to play Wolverine in four more films, films where he plays a bigger role and not a few easy shoot Nick Fury cameos.

Still, at the moment this deal is still in the offer stage. Jackman has yet to accept it, and as tempting as it may be, he’ll most likely also not want to commit to such a contract. “It’s not every day an actor gets offered this kind of paycheck, but Hugh vowed never to lock himself into any multipicture deals after X-Men,” a “close pal” said to the NE. “He hasn’t given any kind of answer yet, so at least he’s considering it.” Take it with a pinch of salt, considering that this is the National Enquirer, but it doesn’t sound too far fetched to not be true.

With Disney having built their Marvel Comic properties up decently so far, Fox has also turned their eye back on the X-Men as of late. The Wolverine has done some good business at the box office so far, while the X-Men First Class sequel is chugging away in production. And of course, there’s the Fantastic Four reboot on the way.

As for Jackman, I reckon he’s worth the massive price tag. He may not have been the first choice for the role of Wolverine back when casting started, but thanks to Dougray Scott dropping out for Mission Impossible II, Jackman got the role. What do you reckon? Would you like to see him back for more?

Last Updated: August 13, 2013


  1. Yup, he suits the role perfectly…No hassle with him sticking around…That new Spiderman dude on the hand, hmmm…


    • Wtf101

      August 13, 2013 at 11:29

      Andrew Garfield? I’d rather see three more movies with him as Spidey than one more with Toby McGuire. Really


      • Tbone187

        August 13, 2013 at 11:34

        Did you hear that he says he wants Spiderman to have a gay partner?? Sorry bud , that aint someone I would prefer to be Spiderman…


        • Wtf101

          August 13, 2013 at 11:40

          I do not think he holds that much sway in Hollywood yet.


          • Tbone187

            August 13, 2013 at 11:46

            That’s not the point…Why even mention something like that…? Dodgy to say the least.

          • Wtf101

            August 13, 2013 at 12:18

            Come on. Be honest, what are the odds of that even happening? And even if it does, why would it upset you that much?

          • Lourens Corleone

            August 13, 2013 at 12:30

            I preferred the Tobey Maguire movies to the Garfield ones. Easily. The new ones have potential but they smell of bureaucrats with dollar signs in their eyes.

          • Wtf101

            August 13, 2013 at 13:36

            Maybe, but as far as actors go, Garfield was more Spidey than Toby. Well, at least the way I saw it.

          • Tbone187

            August 13, 2013 at 13:25

            ”And even if it does, why would it upset you that much?” Are you feeling okay mate??

            Sorry dude or dudette , or whatever but bringing gayness into a childhood cartoon hero story is not on…

          • Wtf101

            August 13, 2013 at 13:44

            Yes, I am feeling okay. Look, homosexuality just does not upset me all that much. As I have tried to tell you before: I do not think that they will make Spiderman gay, not on the recommendation of Andrew Garfield.

  2. Wtf101

    August 13, 2013 at 11:31

    Dougray Scott? Hmmm. The man is not the worst actor out there, but I think I have a reason to go thank the geek gods tonight. I just cannot picture another actor to do Wolverine. It’s like McG telling me that Terminator Salvation will be good, despite the serious Arnie lacking.


  3. T-paul Moloto

    August 13, 2013 at 12:05

    If they get good writers then I say keep The Wolverine coming.


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