Home Entertainment Extras! The Hobbit wraps up, A Tale of three T*tties, Jeremy Renner's Wiki has a leak, Denzel Washington wants some Equality, Ann Hathaway is open to more Catwoman and watch out guys, we're dealing with a super-geek over here! Plus much more!

Extras! The Hobbit wraps up, A Tale of three T*tties, Jeremy Renner's Wiki has a leak, Denzel Washington wants some Equality, Ann Hathaway is open to more Catwoman and watch out guys, we're dealing with a super-geek over here! Plus much more!

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Welcome to The Extras! A daily dose of all the smaller movie related news, clips and just plain cool stuff that you might have missed!

Looks like we’re still not all Comic-Con’d out yet. Peter Jackson has released a new video blog for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, which shows us the footage he shot in and around the San Diego convention, a snippet of the film clip shown to those lucky folks in attendance in Hall H, and the final wrap up of shooting on set.

Somebody is making Legend of Zelda/A Fistful of Dollars mashup fan film titled A Fistful of Rupees. I need to see this movie now.

Are you a master of the socially awkward one-liner? Are you so old you owe Moses two bucks? Well then you might have what it takes to be an Expendable! Want to find out for sure, then head on over to JoinTheExpendables.com to be sure!

There’s a new international poster out for Liam Neeson punchathon, Taken 2.

I love how the graphic effects on Istanbul almost makes this look like some kind of natural disaster movie. Because it totally is.

There’s a really, super creepy new motion poster out for horror film The Possession. Since it auto-plays I’m rather going to link to it, so that when it spontaneously starts playing and causes you sphincter to act like a rabbit’s nose, we can’t be held accountable.

According to Deadline, Jeremy Renner may have gotten a taste for exposing goverment secrets in The Bourne Legacy, as he is thinking of accepting the role of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in a new biopic. 

This is just a plain ridiculous story. As a promotion for Total Recall, Len Wiseman had actress Kaitlyn Leeb reprise her role as the three-breasted prostitute in the upcoming film at Comic-Con. Apparently the stereotype of geeks not knowing anything about women is true, as a whole lot of people thought that they were real. Kaitlyn’s triple-mammaries have now gone viral.

In light of the recent shooting in Colorado, one of the most memorable moments in the upcoming film Gangster Squad is being cut and additional scenes rewritten and filmed in its place. The scene in question has mobsters, armed with tommy-guns, firing their way through a cinema screen and then into the screaming crowd. As a result, the film’s September 7th release date will probably have to be pushed back, as the large ensemble cast would have to all be corralled together again.

Martin Campbell may have been screwed over by the studios on Green Lantern, but that doesn’t he’s through with telling space stories about alien cultures. Much like he did with Casino Royale, the director is looking to breathe some life into another old British pop culture icon, as he is set to resurrect cult 70’s and 80’s BBC science fiction TV series Blake’s 7 for American audiences.

Speaking of classic TV, Denzel Washington is set to have landed the lead role in a feature film adaptation of 80’s drama series The Equalizer. Contrary to what you might think, this was not a show about soccer.

Slashfilm has written up an article titled 15 Things Bothered Us About The Dark Knight Rises. Since I haven’t seen TDKR myself, I can’t tell you much more than the title itself, but apparently it’s a pretty good article. So bookmark and save for later, if you’re in the same boat as I am.

While on Batman stuff, speaking to Digital Spy Anne Hathaway has revealed that she would be open to reprising her role as Selina Kyle in a Catwoman spinoff, but only under a very specific condition.

I don’t know about you guys, but all I heard was “I think it would be lovely to see more of her butt…”

Couldn’t agree more, Hathaway. Couldn’t agree more.

A film memorabilia collector has had £20,000 worth of Star Wars action figures stolen from his home in Hampshire, England. I would crack a joke about how his wife is probably relieved to be able to bring guests over again with embarrassing herself, but let’s face it, he probably doesn’t have a wife.

And now for a completely unabashed geek out. While San Diego Comic-Con is undoubtedly a non-stop geekathon, there’s one annual event there that outgeeks everything else that the con has to offer: Starship Smackdown. That’s right, every year a packed room full of geeks sit down in a room, and then argue – in a completely serious, non-joking way – about which of two completely fictional, make-believe spaceships are better. (And damn it I wish I could be there every year!).

This year the battle was between the USS Enterprise from the original Star Trek TV series, and the USS Enterprise used in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. After hours of debate, it was a deadlock between both camps, and the moderator asked for audience input. That’s a lone man from within the crowd stepped forward to take the mic and end the conflict on stage. That man was Neil deGrasse Tyson, internationally renowned physicist, originator of the “we’re dealing with a badass” internet meme and self-proclaimed uber-geek. And he’s off the cuff, from the heart response will surely go down in Comic-Con history:

Last Updated: July 24, 2012

One Comment

  1. You gotta love Tyson, I love his passion for things.


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