Home Entertainment HBO interested in GAME OF THRONES spin-off

HBO interested in GAME OF THRONES spin-off

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I’ll admit I’m probably one of the 5 people who actually hasn’t watched Game of Thrones, but that’s okay – because these days you don’t need to. Almost everyone posts their thoughts and updates of every episode on social media and you can generally get the gist of what is going on without needing to watch it. And such is the influence that the multiple award-winning show has had on the general viewing public over the past few years that it’s no surprise HBO is thinking of getting a spin-off up to keep the money interest in the franchise going.

There are only two more shortened seasons of Game of Thrones left before their current planned story ends but they are hoping that they can still find more stories to tell within the world of Westeros after then. They don’t have any ideas on what this spin-off will be quite yet, though they do not want it to include any of the existing characters and rather find an arc that sets up something new and different, while keeping a lot of the winning formula going.

The news was revealed by HBO programming president Casey Bloys, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter:

“There are so many properties and areas to go to. For us, it’s about finding the right take with the right writer. There are things that sound interesting, but at this point, we have no writers assigned or anything like that. In a perfect world, Game of Thrones would keep going, and we wouldn’t have to deal with any of this!”

So, while HBO is interested in it, they have nothing to work with at the moment. So, I guess fans shouldn’t be holding their breath. It would probably be a good thing though as it will give fans a break from the world and by the time they introduce something new, hopefully the fans will be longing for more.

game of thrones

I’m glad that HBO have decided not to drag the story of Game of Thrones out too much, as extending narratives has never tended to work out well in the TV world, but I do fear that doing a spin-off may have that same effect.Especially considering that Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have already indicated in a previous interview that they are not interested in continuing the series anymore:

“You might want to ask George about that…It’s a great world that George created. It’s a very rich world. I’m sure there will be other series set in Westeros. But for us, this is it.”

That George they are referring to, is the author himself George R.R. Martin and he also had something to say about the continuation of the franchise:

“I do have thousands of pages of fake history of everything that led up to Game of Thrones. There’s a wealth of material there, and I’m still writing more….At the moment, we still have this show to finish, and I still have two more books to finish.”

So, from Martin’s perspective, there is definitely a whole lot more to come. So HBO’s plans are not exactly misplaced and if they can build a new property on the same world and character building skills the author already gave them in GoT, then I have no doubt they can make a success out of the new series. And as for Benioff and Weiss, HBO still believes they may be willing to change their minds and work on the franchise further:

“You’re getting them right when they’re about to embark on production. It’s a big, big commitment for them, not just their creative force, but also their family life. They’re gone for months at a time. So it’s a big, big thing. But should we find a property that makes sense as a spinoff or a prequel — whatever you want to say — I would not expect them to do it, because they’re going to need to decompress for a good amount of time, but it would certainly be nice to have their involvement in some way. At what level? I have no idea.”


If I was those show-runners, I would use that as a queue to being bargaining on a mega-salary. After all, the show is apparently making HBO a load of money already, so for them paying a little more wouldn’t hurt the coffers too much. It’s too early to make any guesses on whether any these plans will come to fruition, but if you’re a fan who is disappointed that the series will be ending soon, there is hope that all is not lost yet.

Last Updated: October 5, 2016

One Comment

  1. Filmmaker

    October 14, 2016 at 13:18

    Talk about sh*tt*ng the bed


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